Meet the Team!

Alexis grew up in the rural parts of Pittsburgh PA where she graduated Carpentry school. She moved to Portland to build Tiny Homes six years ago and since then has settled in the Dundee Hills with her Husband, Robert. Wine was something foreign to her when she first moved here but living in the Willamette Valley has changed that.
She has since put the tools away for the season to give you a falling in love with the smells, taste, views, and people experience that got her hooked!
Alexis Dunham

Robert has lived in the Willamette Valley since 03' and loves to help his wife achieve her dreams!
When guiding you on a Wine Tour, he enjoys making you laugh and smile while talking about the fruit on the vine, soil, and regions. His personal passions are selling peaches, cherries, and hazelnuts at local Farmers Markets! When in season you can expect a bite of these juicy fruits on your tour and some good fruit humor!